I’ve seen numerous changes in my life since my last post on this blog. I have changed jobs, lost jobs and am now I’m changing my outlook on jobs altogether.
Since I left Los Angeles and my idea of working in the entertainment industry, I have really been floating. Bouncing from job to job and the idea of what I wanted in my next job was based wholly off of what I liked and did not like the job before it. It’s time I’ve tried something different. When I was younger I wanted to be a writer, this goal changed while in school to filmmaker but at its core, these two professions share a common goal, great storytelling.
So I’m going back to my roots, I’ll be using this blog to work on my skills as a storyteller. Creative pieces as well as think pieces relating to what is at the forefront of my world, political, professional or personal. It’s important to me to make my next move strategically and with my best interest at heart.
I hope you join me on this ride of self-discovery, life changes fast, so it’s time I get used to that speed.